child's hands on tablet

child's hands on tablet
Give a Child
a Voice
Sophie’s Run @ Lake Waukomis is now Sophie Edwards’ Foundation and part of the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation. Our mission of helping students with extraordinary needs will continue and we hope you will consider continuing to donate to this wonderful cause!
Theresa & Jim Edwards have decided to retire and spend more time focusing on family. We were blessed with a beautiful daughter for 18 years and her legacy through Sophie’s Run @ Lake Waukomis has impacted many families in Park Hill School District.
While we know that many people will miss the Fun Run at Lake Waukomis, we feel we can do more through GKCCF by offering grants and managing our time more efficiently. We also hope that by working under the GKCCF umbrella the Sophie’s Edwards Foundation can reach a broader audience and bring greater awareness to those families who have extraordinary needs.
Please help us support this mission.
Be sure to note: Sophie Edwards Foundation (edwa07)
on the donation form under Organization.
Over the last 15 years, Sophie’s Run @ Lake Waukomis has partnered with ParkHill School District to provide communication devices, replacement devices, teacher grants and library components to support students and teachers. We hope you will continue to see how powerful communication can be for all students and find it in your hearts to support Sophie Edwards’ Foundation in the future.
Thank you for all of your support and enthusiasm. We have truly been blessed through this endeavour and hope to see it continue on through this new legacy.
If you know of a school district, private school or other 501c3 who would like information about obtaining a grant through the Sophie Edwards’ Foundation, we will consider a grant request by writing to:
An email explaining why the organization is requesting an extraordinary need is required. If the request is for a specific individual, a narrative explaining why the student needs the device and how they will use it will be necessary.
Theresa & Jim Edwards