Thank You to our Sponsors

Sophie’s Run at Lake Waukomis is a 501c3 under the Federal Public Charity Status guidelines and all donations qualify as a tax-deductible donation. Park Hill School District does assist with advertising the event through flyers, posters and video distributed through the District website, e-newsletters and at the schools. In addition, Sophie’s Run distributes information throughout the Community and via Social Media.
A PLEDGE of all donations must be received by January 15, 2024 to be included in sponsorship promotional materials.
$500 DONATION - Mention on race day & set up a table to distribute flyers/consumable food items on race day or donate water, protein bars, etc
$1000 DONATION / COUPON - Mention on race day, logo on t-shirt* and coupon of your choice distributed on race day.**
$3000 DONATION - Includes website listing, mention on race day, logo on the t-shirt*, logos included in social media (i.e. spotlight videos, posts) & coupon of your choice distributed on race day**, as well as, a banner you provide displayed on race day. ***
* Mail your logo in vector or illustrator format to no later than January 15, 2024 to be included on t-shirt and communications.
** Drop-off coupons for race day distribution by April 15, 2024.
*** Please email to drop off banner prior to Friday, May 10, 2024
Do you have a different way you can help our cause? Email us at